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A policy of Environment

<Introduction of Our Environmental Conservation Activities>
Nippon Graphite Industry, ltd.

Situated against the background of Lake Biwa that is blessed with riches of natural environment, the company is fully aware that the preservation of global environment is a common essential challenge of human being, and is engaging in the manufacture of graphite powder, replicating and releasing agents, electronic parts and others based on our fundamental philosophy of "Harmonization with the Environment".

We are actively addressing the environmental conservation activities, with the watchword of "Leave the Riches of Nature to the Next Generation", as follows:

  1. We will always recognize the possible impact of our business activities on the environment, comply with the laws and regulations concerning the environment and any environmental agreements, promote the raising of management level and the prevention of environmental pollution, and endeavor to improve the environmental management system continuously.
  2. To mitigate the impact of our business on the environment, we will carry out the continuing promotion of the following:
    1. Energy conservation to reduce energy consumption.
    2. Prevention of environmental pollution by controlling the factory effluent.
    3. Recycling of resources by decreasing industrial wastes and collecting classified refuse.
    4. Development of products sound to the environment.
  3. We will concentrate the efforts of the whole company to promote the environmental conservation.

May,2005 acquisition of ISO 14001 certificate

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